Doctor Who: 10 Times The Doctor Gave Zero F*cks About His Companions

5. Getting Amy And Rory Trapped Inside A Possessed TARDIS

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Amy Pond Karen Gillan

The fact that the Doctor murdered his own people during the Time War is obviously something that haunts him. This is evident on multiple occasions, and in the Series 6 episode The Doctor's Wife, the Doctor openly states that he hopes the Time Lords would forgive him - if he ever discovers that some of them survived, that is.

Sounds all nice and sweet, but unfortunately for Amy and Rory, the Doctor's desire for forgiveness almost gets them killed when he lies to them and sends them away, causing them to become trapped inside a possessed TARDIS that soon tries to murder them (in Rory's case, it actually does murder him, although this is just an illusion).

So, why did this happen? Well, in The Doctor's Wife, the Doctor hears a series of distressed voices on an Ood translator, leading him to believe that there are Time Lords nearby. Naturally, he sets off to find them, but along the way, he decides that he doesn't really want Amy and Rory with him anymore (he says that this is "Time Lord stuff" that is far too important for two tiny little humans) so he sends them back to the TARDIS like they're his kids, locking the door once they're inside.

Sure, the Doctor didn't know that the TARDIS would then be possessed by a malevolent alien who enjoys playing deadly mind games, but the fact that he wasn't bothered about taking Amy and Rory with him put them in terrible danger regardless.

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