Doctor Who: 10 Times The Doctor Was The Bad Guy

6. Goodbye Sarah-Jane Smith

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Sarah-Jane is frequently voted as one of the greatest-ever companions in Doctor Who history, with Elizabeth Sladen even being brought back after the show was revived in 2005. She was primarily a companion of the Third and Fourth Doctors, so having travelled with him for so long, one would expect a more emotional farewell when the time came to say goodbye.

The Fourth Doctor is recalled to Gallifrey by the Time Lords and humans are not allowed to join him. While that should have been a case for giving the middle finger to the council, he actually agrees fairly simply to the command, telling Sarah-Jane that the time has come for her to leave the TARDIS. Understandably confused by this, she leaves to find that he hasn't even brought her home.

The revival attempts to poke fun at this, suggesting the Doctor made an honest mistake when he dropped her off in Aberdeen rather than Croydon, yet even the Tenth Doctor takes umbridge to her suggestion that she was less than thrilled with him. He incredulously asks if she wants him to apologise for bringing her away on adventures.

The Doctor doesn't like looking back on his actions, so when faced with Sarah-Jane again, it is a stark reminder that he is not always the knight in shining armour.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick