Doctor Who: 10 Traumatising Monsters That Scarred You For Life

3. Vashta Nerada

Almost every species in the Universe has an irrational fear of the dark. But they're wrong. 'Cause it's not irrational, it's Vashta Nerada, the piranhas of the air. The Vashta Nerada, literally the shadows that melt the flesh. They are microscopic beings that live in swarms resembling shadows. Not every shadow, but any shadow. A sad guy who steps into a shadow of an object will be reduced to bones within a microsecond. See two shadows from one person and be assured that guy will not last. They are that dangerous. They are that fast. It's a wonder that the Vashta Nerada might be the most underrated Doctor Who monster of all time. They are a genius creation by Steven Moffat, taking advantage of man's eternal fear of the dark. Now imagine a swarm so many they they took over an entire library. No, imagine they took over an entire world. Or just watch Doctor Who. That works too. Every corner, every step, would mean death. And it's not like they stand still. They move, and without noticing, a whole room is already covered in darkness. And just when you think it can't get any worse, they can adapt to use the dead as puppets... And worst of all, they seem to have no weakness. In fact, all the characters could do was run for their lives. In the end, the Doctor had top pull out his "I'm the Doctor" card. Daleks. Aim for the eyestalk. Sontarans. Back of the neck. Vashta Nerada? Run, run, run...
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Doctor Who
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Once upon a time, Jon ended up in a huge dark room with a giant screen... and he never left.