Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things The Daleks Have Ever Done

6. The Daleks' Master Plan - The Time Destructor

Doctor Who Dalek Oswin Oswald
BBC Studios

The huge '60s epic, the Daleks' Master Plan was exactly what it says on the tin.

William Hartnell's last encounter with the Daleks came in the form of a 12-part serial, in which the Daleks had created a new weapon, the Time Destructor. Their intention was to conquer the Solar System. The device would reverse or accelerate the flow of time with devastating consequences, exhausting its taranium core, a mineral only found on Uranus.

Whilst this is thankfully going to become a repetitive trend, the Dalek plot is halted. However, the device is still used...

Not only does the serial feature the first and second companion deaths in the franchise, they are also both equally two of the grimmest fates befallen to Who characters. Katarina's death technically does not involve the Daleks, however, during the series she is awfully sucked into space. But Sara Kingdom, falls victim to the Time Destructor itself, basically aged to death, decaying to nothing.

The device is actually later used by the Time Lords against the Daleks, during the Time War, in the previously mentioned opening moments of the War Doctor series. But once again represents the terrible threat the Dalek's present if not stopped.


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe