Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things The Daleks Have Ever Done

5. Planet Of The Ogrons - The Overseer

Doctor Who Dalek Oswin Oswald
Big Finish

Another slightly altered Dalek appearing in Big Finish, is the Dalek Overseer, a monster of a scientist who appeared in the Eighth Doctor Time War Series.

Based on the titular planet of the Orgons, the Overseer creates dreadful experiments, in order to create weapons to win the Time War. The Daleks have done some pretty gruesome things in their history (as per this list) but none so singularly as this abomination. One such experiment revolved around inserting Ogron brains into Battle TARDISes to bypass the controls.

Another of the Overseer's most notable schemes is the insertion of Ogron armies into the events of the past, such as in Day of the Daleks. However, these events remain unchanged, the aim was to try and increase the Dalek's chance of victory, through the means of temporal manipulation.

A final major creation of his is Doctor Ogron, a truly lovable character, where an Ogron is augmented and given the personality of the Doctor, an experiment which ultimately leads to his downfall. He may have created a very lovable character in the story, but this vile Dalek is bad news.

In the end, he was deemed an "insult to the Dalek race" and exterminated by the other Daleks.


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe