Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things The Daleks Have Ever Done

4. Various - Relationship With Their Creator

Doctor Who Dalek Oswin Oswald

1975's Genesis of the Daleks debuts the pepper pot's creator, Davros. Through his various appearances throughout the show, we see the Daleks treat their creator with varying levels of respect.

The end of his first appearance, after having just created the Daleks, a squad of them come and exterminate Davros. But by the next serial, they want him back, with him, thankfully for them, having survived within the depths of Skaro. Across the remainder of his classic appearances, Davros starts the Imperial/Renegade Civil War, where the Imperials sides with him against the Supreme and the Renegades.

When Davros returns for New Who (more on that later), the Tenth Doctor even mocks that he is chucked away into the basement, with them simply using him once again, without him running the show.

The lack of respect is therefore a running trend in Davros character, and in the previously mentioned Series 9 opener, it is clearer than ever that he is only ever used when they wish to use him for their own gain. Rather than out of any loyalty to him.

We know the Daleks are evil, but showing no respect for want of a better word their father? That's truly nasty. Even if Davros is equally evil, if not more so.


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe