Doctor Who: 12 Great Big Finish Stories You Have To Listen To
4. The Foe From The Future
To many, Tom Baker was Doctor Who but for years the big man declined Big Finish's overtures to join their roster of classic Doctors. However, after doing some plays for AudioGo and being cajoled by friend Louise Jameson, the most iconic of Time Lords finally made his debut a few years ago, bringing many a 40 something fan's dreams to life.
As well as giving voice to a new range of Fourth Doctor adventures, Baker also lent his voice to making an audio recreation of this famous lost story, which had to be replaced at the eleventh hour by the famous Talons of Weng-Chiang. From an outline by Robert Banks-Stewart (who write Terror of the Zygons and The Seeds of Doom), the tale is a classic greatest hits package, with giant insects, a deformed mad-scientist, ghosts in an old manor house and a trip to the far future. Baker is obviously having a ball and the whole story is infectious in its fun and sheer brio.
The Lost Stories range is one of Big Finish's more interesting offshoots, giving us many of the abandoned tales of the original Season 23 and even the adaptation of The Masters of Luxor, Doctor Who's originally planned second story that was replaced with The Daleks. Andrew Cartmel, the classic show's last script editor, even brought listeners a version of the planned but never made 27th Season.