Doctor Who: 12 Great Big Finish Stories You Have To Listen To

11. Spare Parts

Of al the returning Doctors, it is probably Davison who suffers the worst as his TV incarnation developed the least, limiting what can be done with him. While there are big gaps in the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Doctor's life to explore, poor old Five has few gaps that can be fully exploited. This isn't to say that Big Finish haven't tried, though, giving him some new companions such as Erimem and Amy but that the Davison Doctor remains the nicest and blandest.

Spare Parts is one of his best however, bringing the Doctor and Nyssa to Mondas, the twin planet of Earth that gave birth to the Cybermen (not to be confused with the alternative Earth that gave birth to the NuWho versions). Writer Marc Platt gives us a proper family tragedy as the struggling Hartley family are ripped apart when daughter Yvonne volunteers for the augmentation program, ending up being turned into a Cyberman. The scene where the confused cyborg comes home is as horrific and touching as anything the TV show has offered and gives fans the Genesis of the Cybermen tale they wanted. It was a major inspiration for Russell T Davies' reboot of the silver nemesis in Series 2.

One aspect where Big Finish have had success with the Fifth Doctor is comedy. Davison is naturally a very funny man and audios which tune into this can be a lot of fun. Look out for The Kingmaker, a witty tale by Nev Fountain where the Doctor meets Richard III and Castle of Fear which splices Doctor Who with Spamelot.

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Writer of The Blog of Delights, a review site covering film, TV, cult TV, books and audio. Fan of Dr Who, Bond, X-Men and Marvel. Also the writer of e-book 'Fictional Legends: Doctor Who - the TV Adventures' for Collca.