Doctor Who: 12 Reasons To Love The Twelfth Doctor

2. His Style

Now let's focus on something more lighthearted about this Doctor: His style. He's subtle yet dramatic at the same time, and this is reflected in his sharp new outfit. The Doctor's outfit has always been a good indicator of the kind of man we can expect (we have an article explaining this theory more in depth), and it must be said that the new Doctor's outfit suits him (no pun intended) perfectly. The dark colors reflect his darker personality, but the splash of red in the lining of his jacket is an indication of his more flamboyant side. The entire outfit is a no-nonsense, no-frills ensemble, perfectly in keeping with the Doctor's straightforward attitude. Yes, the outfit tells us everything we need to know about the latest version of our favorite Time Lord. What will be interesting to see is whether or not the Doctor's style evolves over the course of his time in the TARDIS. The Eleventh Doctor began wearing more muted colors after the Ponds' departure; the Fourth Doctor's scarf changed color schemes. A change in the outfit indicates a change in the man, so any changes to the Twelfth Doctor's outfit may indicate some rather interesting changes in the Doctor himself.
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Paula Luther hails from Pennsylvania and has been an avid Whovian since 2008. She enjoys writing (obviously), reading, dancing, video editing, and building websites. She has also self-published two books on Amazon, "Bart the Bard" and "Android Mae and Other Stories".