Doctor Who: 13 Cool Details Revealed In Steven Moffat's Time Of Angels Commentary
1. The Finale Of The Episode Was Almost Structured Differently
As it stands, the episode ends with the Doctor delivering an epic speech before shooting out a gravity globe. We see the Doctor's face while he fires the gun, get a quick shot of the globe exploding, and finally, the credits roll.
However, the structure of this moment wasn't always set in stone. Pardon the pun.
Originally, the episode ended on the shot of the Doctor firing the gun, without the shot of the globe. However, Moffat felt that it would be better if we actually saw the globe exploding, and so, at his request, this shot was added in.
The shot of the globe actually provides a nice smooth lead-in to the credits, whereas hard-cutting from the gunshot may have felt a little abrupt and jarring.
Either way, this hardly changed the overall quality of the episode. It's just a fascinating example of a small detail - a small detail that might seem inconsequential to us viewers - that the crew put a great deal of thought into.
Want more Doctor Who details? You can check out our breakdown of Steven Moffat and Murray Gold's Blink commentary here.