Doctor Who: 13 Cool Details Steven Moffat Just Revealed About The Girl In The Fireplace

4. The Horse Through The Mirror Nearly Didn't Happen...

Doctor Who The Girl in the Fireplace clockwork droid
BBC/Twitter: @StevenWMoffat

One of the highlights of the episode is when the Doctor rides a horse through a mirror, smashing it to pieces and landing in the middle of the ballroom like a badass action hero.

It's ridiculous, crazy, and very Doctor Who, but somewhat unsurprisingly - considering the show's eternal battle with budget constraints - this moment was nearly scrapped altogether.

Over on Twitter, Moffat mentioned that he "built the whole plot" around this scene, and that Davies really wanted to do it too. Unfortunately though, money soon became a problem (and there were also logistical issues, like the fact that getting the go-ahead to bring a horse inside a stately home was borderline impossible), and it started to look like the idea would have to be abandoned.

Because of this, Moffat had to write an alternative version of events, and he shared the specifics of these in a few other tweets...

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.