Doctor Who: 13 Cool Details Steven Moffat Just Revealed About The Girl In The Fireplace

5. Rose And Reinette's Dialogue Scene Was "Mostly Cut" In An Early Edit

Doctor Who The Girl in the Fireplace clockwork droid
BBC/Twitter: @StevenWMoffat

Just before the finale of the episode, there's a brilliant little dialogue scene between Rose and Reinette.

Here, Reinette is warned that the clockwork droids will come for her once she turns 37, and she grows frustrated - but ultimately accepts - that she has to take "the slower path" to reach her future.

It's a fantastic moment with some of the best lines in the entire series ("one may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel"), but amazingly, Moffat said that it was "mostly cut" in the first version of the episode.

In a separate tweet, he added that some of the crew members found the scene too slow, which is why it almost didn't survive the edit. Luckily though, Davies stepped in and saved it in the end.

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