Doctor Who: 13 Doctor/Monster Match-Ups Fans Would Love To See

5. The War Doctor vs. The Trickster

THE DOCTOR: The War Doctor - the grizzled old warrior fighting an eternal war against half of creation to protect the other half - is involved in the Time War. He is a fierce man, determined initially to destroy the enemy, now satisfied only in making sure there still is a universe with life left. Born out of trauma and thrust into fire, he is rage personified - The utter fury of a Time Lord in a war where morality is life is cast asunder. In The Day of the Doctor fans can see him coming to the end of his rope, weary from the long, long fighting and wracked with guilt at the lives he failed to save, including his de facto companion Cinder who sacrificed herself to save him. THE ENEMY: For those of you who didn't follow Russell T Davies' Doctor Who spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures, the Trickster is part of the Pantheon of Discord, a group of extra-dimensional beings existing outside our universe. Usually black-clad, highly intelligent and manipulative, he, like the aforementioned Mara, draws power from discord and chaos. He makes bargains with people at the point of death to alter their history and thrives off the fluctuating timelines and the servitude of his victims. Basically he is an immortal being, manipulating others to do his dirty work for him while he holds power over them and time itself. THE BATTLE: A confrontation between the War Doctor and the Trickster would be stunning - similar to the Krillitane offering the Tenth Doctor a way to undo killing his people, The Trickster would too offer the War Doctor an alternative to the Moment - for him to undo time itself, to stave off the wars, to prevent the Daleks from ever attacking, and so on. What would the War Doctor do with the golden contract literally a word of agreement away? Would the man, so weary of the killing, agree to the Trickster's demands in order to decree "no more?" Or would he hold onto hope and let time take its course? The Moment - another moment - for the War Doctor, is coming. ALTERNATIVE ENEMY: A razor. Seriously. You may be fighting a battle across time and space, but that is no excuse for lack of good grooming.
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