Doctor Who: 13 Doctor/Monster Match-Ups Fans Would Love To See

6. The Eighth Doctor vs. The Mara

THE DOCTOR: The oft-forgotten Eighth Doctor has probably the second-least screen time, but instead has developed through the comics and audios, painting the picture of a Romantic who, unlike the constant machinations of his predecessor, prefers to trust and keep an open mind. He, like the Fifth Doctor, approaches the universe with open arms and cares deeply for it. Unfortunately, death and destruction follow in his wake. More than half his companions from the Big Finish Audios die along with his own great grandson, Earth and its future colonies are ravaged by Dalek invasions by the Eminence and he is forced to partake in severalTime Wars he wants no part of. A man who ultimately sacrifices himself to save a pilot he barely knows, and who tries so hard to see the good in the world, is nevertheless rewarded with so much pain and death. THE ENEMY: The Mara is a gestalt entity that could take over people's minds through dreams. Appearing during the Fifth Doctor's era, the Mara would use its victims to cause suffering, pain and war wherever it goes, as it feeds upon the misery they create and the belief they hold. It is the creator of empires, the killer of worlds, and even tried to restart the Time War at Trenzalore. It is literally the embodiment of evil. THE BATTLE: How would the Eighth Doctor, who has had death dog his footsteps for pretty much his entire era, react when he comes face to face with the Mara? Would he charge at it aggressively hoping to slay it? Would he be stunned to recognise that evil - so personified - actually stems from every person? It would be pretty certain that the Mara would bring up all the companions he failed to save to demonstrate the frailty of life and the Doctor's own failure. Physically he Doctor may be able to hold his own. But emotionally, the romantic Doctor is about to get his hearts broken. ALTERNATIVE ENEMY: Given Paul McGann's own dulcet tones, the Eighth Doctor would surely be terrified of contracting laryngitis. With all the death and destruction that occurs in his adventures, shouting would probably be the only thing he can do.
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An obsessed Doctor Who watcher, reader, listener, and occasionally writer. Consult for all your Big Finish and useless trivia needs.