Doctor Who: 13 Doctor/Monster Match-Ups Fans Would Love To See

4. The Ninth Doctor vs. The Sontarans

THE DOCTOR: The Ninth Doctor, a battle-scarred veteran of the Time War that (to his knowledge) took lives, rewrote histories and, by own his hand, destroyed Daleks and Gallifreyans alike. He is depressed, he is angry, he is hurting at the things he did and the things he had to do, hidden behind a thin veneer of sass and sarcasm. He is a volatile mess already, barely keeping it together before Rose's stabilising influence by saving people when he can. THE ENEMY: The Sontarans. A race of warmongering clones who are constantly embroiled in war with their nemesis, the shape-shifting Rutans. Short, potato-like, and with caustic insults and superior weaponry, their goal is to conquer planets and finally defeat the Rutans once and for all. They€™ve invaded Earth, once successfully invaded Gallifrey, and laid waste to many more planets besides. THE BATTLE: It can only be imagined what would happen when he meets the Sontarans, who understand only war and invasion, the very things he is trying to leave behind. Such a meeting would force the Ninth Doctor's anger and self-loathing to the surface as he tries to reconcile, and distinguish, himself from them. Expect the fury of a hurting Time Lord as he tries to stop yet another warmongering race - but this time, in a way that "everybody lives". Also, expect to be entertained by such levels of snark between the Ninth Doctor and the Sontarans worthy of Donna Noble. ALTERNATIVE ENEMY: The Master (as Harold Saxon). It would probably be just as entertaining to see the Ninth Doctor getting tired of the Master's hyperactive antics and socking him in the chin to shut him up.
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