Doctor Who: 13 Doctor/Monster Match-Ups Fans Would Love To See

3. The Tenth Doctor vs. The Eminence

THE DOCTOR: The Tenth Doctor. The Adventurer. The Oncoming Storm. The Hero. Throughout all his life, the Tenth Doctor has thrown himself wholeheartedly into battle against especially fearsome enemies with horrifyingly complex plans to destroy the world/universe/reality itself (Reality Bomb, anyone?), defeating them against impossible odds and come swaggering out the other side with his pinstripe suit barely even singed. THE ENEMY: Not much is known about the Eminence, an enemy that has only featured in Big Finish audios. it appears as othing more than sentient vapour but it is an enemy that can take over humans once inhaled, killing them instantly and turning them into zombified soldiers called Infinite Warriors which the entity then uses to take over entire galaxies. The Eminence has fought a long war against humanity lasting for at least half a century and only by the intervention of the Eighth Doctor and the Time Lords was it limited so, even being forced to team up with the Master and the Daleks to defeat them. THE BATTLE: Surely such a fearsome Doctor requires a fearsome foe with its fearsome army of undead warriors to bring the former to the limits of his strength, wits, skill, and courage. Only a climactic battle against a nigh-on invincible foe with the fate of the world hanging in the balance would be appropriate for the Tenth Doctor to shine. He may have often gotten away with pure bluff and swagger but this is an enemy that knows him well and has literally gotten inside his head, knowing every weakness and having faced the Fourth, Sixth and Eighth Doctors as well as the Master. The odds are stacked against the Tenth, but there would be no one else more likely to defeat the Eminence than him. ALTERNATIVE ENEMY: The Tenth Doctor's fear that someone will one day point out that he once wore a decorative vegetable, a jumper with question marks all over, or a multi-coloured Joseph jacket with matching cat brooch.
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An obsessed Doctor Who watcher, reader, listener, and occasionally writer. Consult for all your Big Finish and useless trivia needs.