Doctor Who: 13 Doctor/Monster Match-Ups Fans Would Love To See

12. The Second Doctor vs. The Weeping Angels

THE DOCTOR: The Second Doctor at times had the mannerisms of a petulant child - waving arms, stamping feet, shouted explanations - but while the Eleventh Doctor could break into those moments of eerie calm, the Second Doctor preferred to make himself known forcefully by yelling at people. Think of a frightened rabbit that ducks, weaves and runs, but this rabbit will get right up to you and yell if he has to. THE ENEMY: The Weeping Angels. Nature's lonely assassins. They appear as a statue for as long as you look at them, but blink once and they will zap you back into the past while they feed off your excess potential life. This is a foe that requires total calm, concentration, and never breaking eye contact. THE BATTLE: What better enemy to pit the often-panicky Second Doctor against? Throwing the Second Doctor into a roomful of Angels will immediately give rise to so much of a panic that even playing his recorder will not be able to calm him down. That's why the Weeping Angels would be such a good foe as it forces the Second Doctor to calm himself down and overcome his fear and nervous energy, channel it to find a way out, and possibly stop Jamie trying to kick the statue into submission. ALTERNATIVE ENEMY: The Master (as Missy). Words fail to describe what a contest that would be. A fast moving, hyperactive, intelligent Doctor against a stoic, insane, prim and proper Missy would indeed be a sight to behold.
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