Doctor Who: 13 Doctor/Monster Match-Ups Fans Would Love To See

11. The Third Doctor vs. The Rani

THE DOCTOR: The Third Doctor is one part James Bond, one part scientist, and the rest grumpy exile on Earth. Working with UNIT to save Earth and defeat The Master€™s plan-of-the-week, he is fascinated with new knowledge, often doing scientific experiments in his lab when he isn't bothered by such trifles as fixing the TARDIS and saving the Earth. His pride, or greed for scientific knowledge, caused him to arrogantly face the Eight-Legs of Metebelis III to discover the secrets of their psychic blue crystal and ultimately lead to his death and regeneration. THE ENEMY: The Rani, like the Doctor, is a renegade Time Lord, but while the latter left to seek adventure while protesting the Time Lords' policy of non-interference, the Rani was kicked out of Gallifrey due to her illegal scientific experiments on subjects alive and usually unwilling, and also for the fact that her lab mice, as a result of an experiment grew to enormous size, ate the Lord President's pet cat, and also bit the President himself, triggering a regeneration. She is an amoral scientist, disregarding the unimportant things like life and ethics to further her goals, not in the least unlocking the limits of regeneration. She has kidnapped and genetically modified humans and committed the genocide of lesser species. To her, science is key, and she is willing to get through anything and everything to find her answer. THE BATTLE: Science geeks would be salivating to see a showdown between the two most scientifically minded renegades that the show has ever seen. It would not take place with fists and feet as with The Master, but rather by test tubes and calculations. Might it reveal to the Third Doctor that he should not keep up his single-minded pursuit of knowledge to the detriment of ethics and humanity, lest he end up like The Rani? Morals and brains will indeed clash in such a contest. ALTERNATIVE ENEMY: Casual Friday. It would be terrifying indeed for the Third Doctor to have to come into work at UNIT without his trademark velvet suits and ruffles. Perhaps jeans and a wife-beater?
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