Doctor Who: 13 Doctor/Monster Match-Ups Fans Would Love To See

10. The Fourth Doctor vs. The Krillitane

THE DOCTOR: The Fourth Doctor barely needs an introduction. Wild hair, long scarf, and frequent consumer of Jelly Babies, the Fourth Doctor had an eccentric demeanour that belied a slowly-burning anger at evil and a highly intelligent mind. Filled with curiosity to explore, his charming smile, oddball humour and curious pranks instantly endeared him to the viewers. THE ENEMY: The sad leftovers of Russell T Davies era, the Krillitane only appeared in one episode and severalbooks before sadly fading into obscurity. But the Krillitane represent a far fiercer foe than the media gave them credit for - like the Cybermen, they continually tried to improve (upgrade) themselves, but instead of robotic parts they went the bioengineering route, giving themselves the power of flight, super-strength, super-hearing, illusions, and so on from the genes of conquered species. THE BATTLE: The Tenth Doctor shouldn't have twice defeated such a race so easily. As they are the perfect hunters, why not they hunt the Doctor? The Fourth Doctor a man of science and knowledge, of quips and jelly babies - the challenge would be for him to sneak quietly around while the Krillitanes slowly hunt him down. He would have to adept, to be one with the night - learn something from the savage Leela of the ways of the jungle, for instance - while trying to evade the Krillitane, formulate a plan to win the day, and resist the urge to jump up and make a joke every time the Krillitane sets him up. ALTERNATIVE ENEMY: The Silence. The Fourth Doctor would be rather ticked off, as since the Silence doesn't speak, he would be unable to get a proper response to any of his jokes. Leela would get dizzy trying to keep them all in sight and then forgetting why she should. K-9, as a machine, would be wondering what on earth is wrong with both of them. And thus hilarity ensues.
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