Doctor Who: 13 Doctor/Monster Match-Ups Fans Would Love To See

8. The Sixth Doctor vs. The Reapers

THE DOCTOR: The Sixth Doctor is one that seems to divide fans. Most seem to be turned off by his brash, arrogant personality and verbal browbeating, as well as his 'Joseph' coat of many eyesores. He appears uncaring, pragmatic, and rude, but within lies a deep respect and affection for his companions, showing a determination to save them and others in trouble by any means necessary. Everyone remembers him for his stirring speech during Trial of a Time Lord accusing the Time Lords of being corrupt and rotten to the core. Which was true. Mostly. Only himself in a future incarnation. THE ENEMY: The Reapers. The Time Vortex's antibodies. Appearing in Father's Day during the Ninth Doctor's era, the Reapers appear whenever a paradox occurs and devours all reality until the paradox is gone (which begs the question of why they didn't show up during most of the Eleventh Doctor's era). Only then will they return to the time vortex or destroy all reality. There is no bargaining, no explaining, nothing to do but to watch them devour. THE BATTLE: The Sixth Doctor is often melodramatic, sees himself as the centre of attention, and likes to make big speeches. Having him battle the Reapers is a true test of his intelligence and skill in removing the source of the paradox and sending the Reapers back, and as the latter is only semi-sentient it would be difficult indeed for the Sixth Doctor to show off to them. Perhaps, as well, there could be a dramatic and stirring speech along the lines of The Rings of Akhaten to kick the creatures back to the time vortex. However it's done, the Sixth Doctor will certainly make any situation entertaining. ALTERNATIVE ENEMY: Peri's American English. Judging by the amount of times he corrected her, it would be safe to say that he would have a job as a British English teacher should he have chosen to retire.
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