Doctor Who: 13 Doctor/Monster Match-Ups Fans Would Love To See

7. The Seventh Doctor vs. The Carrionites

THE DOCTOR: The Seventh Doctor uses words to his advantage. He is a skilled manipulator, able to convince friends and foes alike to do something as part of his master plan, including getting Daleks to fight each other and shattering his companion's faith in him in order to break a psychic hold. The little Scottish man with the hat and umbrella is as well versed as saving the world as he is in playing the spoons, and his thick Scottish brogue makes his monologues extremely entertaining. THE ENEMY: Another remnant from Russell T Davies' era, the Carrionites were a race that could use word-based science to power and alter the universe around them. By utilising the right words in the right places, they could teleport, open dimensions, control people's behaviour and apparently cause Shakespeare to become even more famous. They were defeated by the Tenth Doctor and Shakespeare by the wordsmith's words of power and the clever use of Harry Potter to be banished back to their dark dimension. THE BATTLE: Words upon words upon words. Often so glib with his words and scheming otherwise, it would be an interesting thing for the Seventh Doctor to see that his syllables literally have power, and fascinating for him to face an enemy who is just as well-versed as him. In addition, it would be terrifying for the Doctor to see the results of his turns of phrase come to life and wreak havoc, and having to battle while watching his words would make for a Doctor who understands the power behind the words. ALTERNATIVE ENEMY: Clockwork Droids. This would be the opposite to the above - the Seventh Doctor, so used to his words to disarm, distract and irritate the opponents, has to find another way to battle an enemy who barely speaks. Perhaps his umbrella could be used, swordlike, to block the droid's slashing hand. Or he could fall back on his default backup plan - Ace with the Nitro-9.
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