Doctor Who: 14 Cool Details Revealed In Steven Moffat's Eleventh Hour Commentary

9. The Contents Of Amelia's Suitcase Were Actually Detailed In The Script

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Amy Pond the Doctor Matt Smith Karen Gillan

After the Doctor and Amelia have a late-night snack and the Doctor runs off to his TARDIS, he leaves her behind with the promise that he'll return in five minutes.

At this point, Amelia runs inside her house and packs a suitcase, excited for the Doctor to come and pick her up, so that she can jet off and explore the universe with him.

As it turns out, this suitcase wasn't just filled with random items that the crew had lying around on the day - quite the opposite. According to Willis, Moffat's script was "very specific" about the exact things that Amelia should fill it with.

Moffat suggested that she should pack "useless" items like a teddy bear and a toothbrush, in order to emphasise her innocence, her naivety, and her childishness.

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