Doctor Who: 14 Cool Details Revealed In Steven Moffat's Eleventh Hour Commentary

8. This Shot Was Meant To Be In The Finale (But Was Removed Due To Continuity Concerns)

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Amy Pond the Doctor Matt Smith Karen Gillan
BBC Studios

While Amelia is sitting in the garden waiting for the Doctor to return, the camera pulls back inside her house, and an unidentifiable figure darts across the frame, before disappearing without a trace.

At first glance you might think that this is Prisoner Zero, but in the commentary, Moffat points out that it's actually Matt Smith, while also going into more detail about the intriguing story behind this shot.

The shot was actually intended to be used during the final episode of the series, The Big Bang. In this episode, there's a sequence where the Doctor rewinds through his own timestream, sending him back to the night he first met Amelia. He materialises inside her house while she's sat in the garden waiting for him, and this is where the "figure darting past the window" shot was meant to go.

However, Moffat says that it "didn't quite edit in very well", mainly because of a concern with continuity.

When the Doctor darts past the window, we can see Amelia in the background, sat upright on her suitcase (see the above image). But when the Doctor wanders into her garden in The Big Bang, she's lying down, fast asleep.

Doctor Who The Big Bang the Doctor Amelia Pond

So, if both of these shots had played back-to-back in The Big Bang, it would've looked like Amelia had fallen asleep and changed positions in a matter of seconds, which would've been jarring for viewers to notice.

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