Doctor Who: 14 Cool Details Revealed In Steven Moffat's Eleventh Hour Commentary

7. Matt Smith Pulls This Exact Same Face Later In Series 5

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Amy Pond the Doctor Matt Smith Karen Gillan
BBC Studios

Throughout the commentary, Moffat, Willis and Wenger point out all the great little comedy moments that Matt Smith has, including this absolute gem of a face-pull that the Doctor performs in front of Jeff's grandmother, Mrs. Angelo.

When this moment happens, Moffat points out something that we all definitely missed, or at the very least, didn't register: this isn't the last time Smith pulls this face in Series 5.

Flash-forward to episode twelve, The Pandorica Opens, and he's at it again (this time, with extra hands!) expressing his surprise at Rory's miraculous resurrection.

Doctor Who The Pandorica Opens Matt Smith Arthur Darvill Rory

This isn't a connection that many Who fans make, but it's annoyingly obvious once you see both pictures. Keep your eyes peeled during Series 6 and Series 7 to see if Smith does this face again!

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.