Doctor Who: 14 Cool Details Steven Moffat Just Revealed About The Day Of The Doctor

5. Matt Smith Kept Offering The TARDIS Controls To David Tennant

Doctor Who The Day Of The Doctor
BBC/Twitter: @StevenWMoffat

Speaking of the TARDIS, here's a funny little moment that happened between Smith and Tennant while they were shooting those interior scenes.

According to Moffat, Smith kept trying to offer Tennant the controls of the TARDIS, possibly because he felt guilty that he was getting to do most of the flying.

"I mean, it's your TARDIS too" Smith would say. "Oh, no, no, you're doing fine!" Tennant would quip in response.

We can't help but read Tennant's reply in a sarcastic manner, but then again, Smith was an experienced TARDIS pilot by this stage. Just a friendly bit of banter between Time Lords!

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Danny has been with WhatCulture for almost nine years, and is currently Doctor Who Editor and WhoCulture Channel Manager, overseeing all of WhatCulture's Whoniverse coverage. He has been writing and video editing for 10+ years, and first got a taste for content creation after making his own Doctor Who trailers and uploading them to YouTube (they're admittedly a bit rusty by today's standards). If you need someone to recite every Doctor Who episode in order or to tell you about the making of 1988's Remembrance of the Daleks, Danny is the person to ask.