Doctor Who: 15 Cool Details Peter Harness Just Revealed About The Zygon Invasion

2. The American Ambassador Applauded Capaldi's Acting

Doctor Who The Zygon Invasion Peter Capaldi Clara Oswald Jenna Coleman
BBC/Twitter: @mrpeterharness

On an average day of filming Doctor Who, Capaldi would've had to act in front of a good dozen crew members, as well as any stragglers who just happened to be in the studio and wanted to watch him work.

But on the day he delivered his epic speech, he didn't just have the usual crowd of people to perform in front of - he had the frickin' American ambassador too.

Apparently, the ambassador was so impressed that he even applauded when Capaldi had finished. This story has been told before so it isn't exactly new information, but it's just too wholesome to not bring up again.

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