Doctor Who: 25 Actors We'd Love To Call The Doctor

16. Eddie Izzard

izzard timelord Perhaps the most likely name on the list that could play a transvestite Time Lord, Eddie Izzard is another name that's been previously mentioned in connection with the Doctor. And it's not hard to see why; he's not only ridiculously funny, extremely intelligent and utterly bonkers, but he's an immersive character actor, great with surreal dialogue and he has rather a unique purr of a voice. Is Eddie Izzard authoritative to be the Doctor? Tom Baker seemed to think so, back before the show was revived, when he championed Izzard and claimed that he "knows something you don't, or has been somewhere you haven't been". And if Eddie does end up running for an MP position, we could maybe, eventually, possibly, have the Doctor as prime minister.

15. Paterson Joseph

"I was rather disappointed that Paterson Joseph didn't get it last time, although I've loved Matt's Eleven," Neil Gaiman once claimed about casting the first non-white Doctor. Gaiman's got a point. Joseph would make a fantastic Time Lord, given that his talent ranges from "comic" to "sinister". He's another name to have appeared in the show (Series 1's 'Bad Wolf'), but he's constantly mentioned as an actor perfect for the lead role; and if he brought the smooth voice and theatrical expressions from his Peep Show character Alan Johnson, he'd be adored by fans. Maybe when Gaiman's showrunner eh? Now that would be a dream come true for some...

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.