Doctor Who: 5 Big Finish Crossovers We Need To Hear Now

3. The Classic Doctors And David Tennant

Big Finish Captain Jack Tennant
BBC Studios

Big Finish has done its fair share of multi-Doctor stories, though they’re usually reserved for special occasions. When the 50th anniversary rolled around, Big Finish united the first eight Doctors in the excellent ‘The Light at the End’ that many fans consider to be the finest multi-Doctor story produced in any Doctor Who medium. But now that the license has been extended, there’s no reason why David Tennant shouldn’t get to play with the big boys too.

Admittedly, an entire box-set of just “The Tenth Doctor Meets…” might wear thin quickly and the title alone screams fan-service. But it might make for a series of short adventures or the occasional crossover. Personally, I'd love to hear an inversion of ‘Time Crash’ where the Tenth Doctor finds himself on the Fifth Doctor’s TARDIS (“Oh, it’s the skinny idiot again!”). At the very least, the writers no longer have to invent reasons why a summoning of all the Doctors arbitrarily stops at eight.

Of course, this can include the War Doctor and any other modern Doctors that sign on to Big Finish in the future. Given he’s such a fanboy, we’d be very surprised if Peter Capaldi doesn’t already have a Big Finish contract waiting in a box on his mantelpiece for when he resigns as the television Time Lord. Roll on the 60th anniversary and we might actually get to hear ‘The Twelve Doctors’.


I'm a freelance technology journalist with an unhealthy obsession for Doctor Who.