Doctor Who - 5 Russell T Davies Era Monsters That Should Return (& 5 That Shouldn't)

8. Shouldn't - The Reapers

RTD Abzorbaloff

The Reapers are perhaps one of the most puzzling additions to the show's lore by Davies, simply due to the fact that they never return in series two to four. The Reapers arrive when Rose stops her Father from dying, creating a paradox that can only be fixed with his death. It's perhaps one of the more simpler explorations of paradoxes in the show, but one that is both emotional and terrifying.

As great as The Reapers are in design, they shouldn't return as they don't really fit in with the show. Since their first appearance there have been several dozen paradoxes, some being the main focus of certain episodes. Yet The Reapers didn't appear again. So to bring them back now would just raise even more questions, like why didn't The Reapers appear when River Song refused to kill The (fake) Doctor?

It's a shame, because if The Reapers were used a bit more they could've likely ended up being one of the most iconic Doctor Who foes of the modern run, always appearing to remind The Doctor that changing time has serious consequences.

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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.