The episodes from 2005 onward continually emphasise the importance of each person the Doctor meets. In Father's Day, for example, fans will remember when the Ninth Doctor said to the bride, Who says you're not important? And then there was the time - well, multiple times - Donna Noble insisted that she was nothing special, to which the Doctor responded, Yes you are. You're brilliant". However, what sticks out most in the modern Who era is the time the Tenth Doctor told Donna's mother Sylvia to treat her better, that if she really was as special as her mother felt, then she had certainly better start showing it. Because for one shining moment", Donna was the most important woman in the universe. And if anything annoys the Doctor the most, it's forgetting that everyone has that potential. What do you think of this list? Are there any other surefire ways to annoy the Doctor? Let us know how to get all up in his grill in the comments section below.
Sara Habein is the author of INFINITE DISPOSABLE. She is a staff writer for Persephone Magazine, and the editor of the Word Riot blog. Her Doctor is number Eight, but the Twelfth is right behind.