Doctor Who: 6 Reasons Why It's Time For A Female Doctor

4. Representation

Female Doctor Who
Something Dot Something

Representation is a pertinent subject right now. A lot of people argue that representation is only necessary if a role isn’t required to be one gender or another. Nonetheless, representation is important in film and television because everyone fundamentally deserves their story told because they are part of the human experience.

A female Doctor is needed because there are plenty of female and child fans that want to see themselves as the Doctor.

The companion role is often cited as doing such a thing, but truthfully the Doctor is the main character of the show and the writers should be fair and give a female actor a chance at the part. The female audience is very important to the show; a female Doctor would greatly impact the entire fandom and could even bring in a whole generation of new fans.

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Bill Medley really likes television, movies, and music. He writes about some of them.