Doctor Who: 7 Most Memorable Moments Of Wilfred Mott

4. Wilf Blinds A Dalek With A Paintball Gun (The Stolen Earth)

When Daleks begin invading Earth in The Stolen Earth, Wilf, examining the enemy, comes to the conclusion that a Dalek could be easily blinded if something were to obscure its single eye-stalk. So, while guiding Sylvia through the streets of London in the hope of finding help, Wilf secures a paintball gun as his weapon of choice.

When confronted by a Dalek, Wilf fires a paintball and briefly blinds it. Unfortunately for Wilf and Sylvia, his well-laid plan goes wrong when the Dalek is able to immediately dissolve the paint obscuring its eyestalk. For a few horrible moments, it seems as if Donna's entire family is about to be exterminated. Thankfully, they are rescued at the last moment by Rose Tyler, newly returned from Pete's World and on the hunt for The Tenth Doctor and Donna. While Wilf does not know the pair's current location, he agrees to help Rose track them down.

While his Dalek-slaying plan failed, fans have praised Wilf for his creative thinking, with his brave actions counting among the character's most memorable moments.


Kristy Anderson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.