Doctor Who: 7 Reasons Series 7 Part 1 Happened In Reverse For The Doctor

2. The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe

Once Madge ordered him to go, the Doctor flew off to see Amy and Rory. He had likely been hesitant to do so, knowing that so little time was left and so set the TARDIS for their house. When they answered the door, they revealed that they hadn't seen him since the events of The Wedding of River Song and so the timeline was closed. The Ponds were finally lost. It's telling that he'd cry here. True, the moment is touching in the extreme, but the Eleventh Doctor - while bombastic and hyperactive on the outside - was much more composed than the face he showed others would lead you to believe. Tears shed by the Eleventh were few and far between and saved for moments like Idris' return to the TARDIS and the thought of going to Trenzalore to save his friends. In other words, in the words of River Song; "He doesn't like endings." His comment can be taken another way as well. As seen in The Wedding of River Song, the Doctor considers the title of Time Lord to be a statement on his control over time. Being 'humany-wumany' is his concept of fallibility and in the end this would be a great loss to Eleven, not just because he'd lost his two dear friends but because he'd lost control of his master plan, too. He said once to Amy that "everything's got to end sometime, otherwise nothing would ever get started". Just like the Tenth Doctor who often stated that everything has it's time before raging against his own fate like all the power hungry enemies he'd dispatched, the hypocrisy of the Doctor shows here. As Danny would correctly state centuries later from the Doctor's perspective, the Doctor's speeches are simply his means of getting a point across. He considers himself above them if the situation requires it. The Doctor is a flawed character and mistaking him for a paragon is missing the point. His actions prove he wants to be better but like all of us, he doesn't always manage it.

Matthew Quayle was born in 1994 in Queensland, Australia. He mostly spends his time watching TV, playing games and being opinionated. Now that he has a job writing at What Culture, he's getting paid to do it too.