Doctor Who: 8 Actors That Would Make AMAZING Doctors!

2. Sebastian Croft

Doctor Who Hugh Grant

If Doctor Who wanted to go back to the days of David Tennant and Matt Smith with a new, young and fresh face, Sebastian Croft would be our first choice!

The show became a global phenomenon due to its reinvention with Tennant and Smiths era, attracting many viewers worldwide. However, since Matt Smith's departure, the show's spirit has somehow faded. This is because the premise of a charming young man in the Doctor's shoes seems to appeal to the majority of fans and if Doctor Who wants to re-engage viewers, this is a path they should consider.

Sebastian Croft, the twenty-year-old English actor, could be the face of a new generation of Doctor Who, delivering a familiar but charming charisma that fans already adore. Crofts has appeared in 'The Horrible Histories Movies,' as well as a brief role in 'Game Of Thrones.' More notably, he will appear in the highly anticipated Netflix series 'Heartstopper,' which will premiere in late April 2022.

We totally think Croft would be ideal as a new rising star in the Doctor's role, bringing the character a feeling of familiarity and freshness.


James joined WhatCulture in early 2022. He is an expert on Doctor Who (well, the modern era) and Harry Potter. Currently, James is studying media, film, and communications at the University of Otago in New Zealand.