Doctor Who: 8 Best Jodie Whittaker Episodes

6. Fugitive Of The Judoon (2020)

Doctor Who Jodie Whittaker Thirteenth Doctor
BBC Studios

Fugitive of the Judoon perfectly captures the best plot twists of Whittaker's reign in one brilliant episode. These unexpected twists exemplify one of Chibnall's greatest writing abilities, what with John Barrowman's beloved Captain Jack Harkness returning, and the introduction of an entirely new Doctor.

The episode launches with tour guide Ruth encountering the "space police" Judoon, who have taken over her home town of Gloucester to locate a fugitive. In an attempt to investigate, the Doctor explores Gloucester and figures out the space rhinos' intent - and the answers prove to be far more than the Doctor bargained for!

Firstly, the introduction of Ruth's Doctor played exceptionally well against Whittaker's. Both personalities clashed, with Ruth's intense demeanour and Whittaker's tenderness creating great tension between the two characters. And, of course, Jack Harkness makes a return! When John Barrowman's beloved character made a surprise appearance in the episode, it's safe to say that Whovians jumped out of their skins with excitement.

All in all, Fugitive of the Judoon is a spectacular adventure from Whittaker's second series. Although its great plot twists may have distracted us from the controversial overarching story of the Timeless Child, the episode was still impressive.

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James joined WhatCulture in early 2022. He is an expert on Doctor Who (well, the modern era) and Harry Potter. Currently, James is studying media, film, and communications at the University of Otago in New Zealand.