Doctor Who: 8 Classic Monsters That Should Return In Series 9

3. Sutekh The Destroyer

Many fans may have been hoping for Sutekh's return when the title of the Series 8 adventure Mummy on the Orient Express was revealed. Indeed, it made sense that the central big bad from The Pyramids of Mars would once again take the limelight and butt heads with the Doctor. Unfortunately, however, this wasn't the case, and Sutekh the Destroyer remains a distant memory, fondly recalled by only the most dedicated of Whovians. A modernised Sutekh would make a striking visual impact on screens in 2015, certainly. He is one of the few enemies of the Doctor on this list that wouldn't need too much of an update to remain as fearsome as he once was. As with Davros in 2008's The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, not much would need to be tweaked in order to achieve maximum impact. Indeed, it would be entirely plausible to tie in Mummy on the Orient Express with the return of Sutekh as audiences were left wondering just who had orchestrated the doomed trip on the killer caboose. Could Sutekh be behind this? Testing his one time enemy in a sadistic game of cat and mouse? As always, only time will tell...
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Christie D. Inman-Hall hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.