Doctor Who: 9 Great Third Doctor Stories

1. Planet of the Spiders (Story 074, 1974) And so as with the Second Doctor, the last is first. Yes, this is the final story with the Third Doctor. It€™s one that a lot of people weren€™t really aware of over the last couple decades, but recently it€™s begun to rise in stature, and there€™s every reason it should. It includes a lot of great elements, like the redemption of Mike Yates (who had turned a little traitor-y a few episodes prior), and possibly the most epic chase scenes in all of Doctor Who, which seem to involve every conceivable vehicle humanity ever invented. Add to this a healthy dollop of Buddhist philosophy, and invisible spiders that leave me wanting to whisper, €œThere€™s something on your back!€ and you have something really special. Of course the story also has a great emotional core when the Doctor dies. Yes, he actually dies fully this time, and it€™s up to another Time Lord to €œjump start€ the regeneration, which occurs before the startled eyes of the Brigadier and Sarah Jane. This story replaced the one the producers had originally had in mind, which would have featured the Master sacrificing himself to save the Doctor. Sadly, due to the death of Roger Delgado, that never happened. But what we got instead was one hell of a great episode and a great way to say goodbye to an amazing Doctor.
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at