Doctor Who: 9 Reasons Peter Capaldi Could Be The Best Doctor Ever

7. Steven Moffat

Should Steven Moffat remain in control of the show, the partnership between himself, Capaldi and other contributors will continue to build stories with satisfying outcomes. Some of the best stories have come from Mark Gatiss whose input has increased greatly during Moffat€™s time in charge. This largely comes from his relationship with the Grand Moff with whom he has also co-created the multi-award winning Sherlock. Moffat has a love for longer, complex story arcs that can span numerous series. It is understandable that this is something that fans can find frustrating, but the fact remains that there is a less vocal yet larger number of viewers who ultimately find these longer stories more satisfying in the end. Take the entire length of the Eleventh Doctor€™s time in the TARDIS, for example. €œSilence will fall€ haunted nearly four series with each one pulling together pieces of a huge puzzle that in the end was leading to Matt Smith€™s final moments. There aren€™t many shows that are preparing for the end from day one, and as many fans - if not more - love this as much as hate it. Finally, the passion that the Moff continues to exude (which, by the way, makes less likely that he€™s going to leave) is infectious. Fans can€™t help but listen to him talk about the Doctor and feel that the future is safe when it's in his hands - that he will fight tooth and nail to make the very best show that he can make. Will the next showrunner will be as passionate?

Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.