Doctor Who: 9 Reasons Peter Capaldi Could Be The Best Doctor Ever

5. Gallifrey

Most fans of the revived series have a friend or a relative that was a fan of the original series, and most specifically, those episodes spent on Gallifrey. The idea of millions of Time Lords and all those extra TARDISes could potentially make the Doctor feel less special, but seeing as that (most) fans managed to deal with three other Time Lords (the Master and, technically, both River Song and Jenny) in the past ten years inspires confidence that a planet filled with time travelling mischief makers could well make for a fun story to watch. Of course, the trick will be making sure that the Doctor is still special. Would he become an outlaw for having tried to destroy his home planet? Would he be a hero for saving his people? Could a new Time War even begin? Has it ever really ended? Settling back down on his home planet and setting up shop as a super-intelligent travel agent is an option, but it would likely be less entertaining in the long run. Fans have seen snippets of Gallifrey over the years, both in flashbacks and brief stories, but there could well be something truly beautiful about a man who has lived for thousands of years believing he was the last of his kind finally being able to return home.

Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.