Doctor Who: 9 Ways Of Accepting A Brand New Doctor
7. Judge Him, He's The Doctor
After nearly forcing yourself to watch the first episode, you cannot get yourself to accept him. No way. There is no way you will let this happen even if there is nothing you can physically do about it. You believe it justified to be mad and stubborn about this outrageous change in polarity and indeed you are, so you cling to the closest thing you have of your Doctor (which may or may not be an Eleventh Doctor plush with a fez), all prepared to rain - or be the oncoming storm, rather - upon the new Doctors parade. You decide to hate everything he does. Every moment he tries to be witty, every time he tries to replace the Doctors presence, and you are not in the mood to be giving up any time soon. There is not a better feeling in the universe than being hysterical every time he tries to seem tough or even when he tries to be all cool and flashy with the TARDIS, because really, does this guy even know what the Doctor was like? Believe it or not, you succeed. Great. Your anger dissipates slightly but not even remotely entirely as your mind switches from the constant plague of why me?! to why him? while you sit in front of the television, basking in your Whovian glory.