Doctor Who: 9 Worst Things The Master Has Ever Done

2. Spyfall - Destroyed Gallifrey

Doctor Who Missy The Master Death in Heaven
BBC Studios

On several occasions we've seen the Master take on the might of Gallifrey and the Time Lords. But on this occasion, he gets the last laugh.

Gallifrey has been strangely used in New Who. It has been lost to the Time War and then restored to this universe during the Moffat era. However, once again that's been altered.

Enraged, by the news he has learnt (which we later find out to be the Doctor being the Timeless Child and foundation of Time Lord society), the Master simply burns the entire Capitol down and apparently all inhabitants. Setting aside feelings towards the usage of Gallifrey in the series, this is clearly a statement of intent from the Master.

We've always been led to believe Gallifrey is one of the strongest forces in the Whoniverse, so for the Master to just burn them to the ground like nothing is a considerable feat. Whether Gallifrey stays down is yet to be seen, but right now it's in one sorry state.

The Spyfall Master is arguably the scariest and most angry incarnation we've had to date, and he debuts in a blaze of terror.


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe