Doctor Who: A Feminist Defence Of Steven Moffat

Generic Women

sally sparrow This is the idea that all Moffat€™s characters are flat. To a certain extent, I€™ve found that this is a matter of taste. A character one person adores will bore another to tears. Some people think Matt Smith is the worst Doctor ever, and some think he€™s the best. That said, Moffat€™s women characters are indeed mostly brilliant and sexy ladies. They usually come from that same basic trope of strong female characters (which is not bad). But anyone who would confuse Clara Oswald for Irene Adler is kidding themselves. Amy and River are similar, but that€™s because they€™re family. And Madame Vastra, Jenny, and Sally Sparrow were very different from Amy or River. In the season finale, there was a conference call at which four of the five characters were women. All were Moffat creations, and none were interchangeable or generic. They were all connected by their mutual relationships with the Doctor, but hello, the show€™s called Doctor Who.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at