Doctor Who: Are The 11th Doctor And Clara Oswald in Love?

5. Double Speak, Foils, And €œHide€

18 I happen to quite adore Hide, flaws and all. For better or worse, I think it€™s designed as a shortened version of the Doctor and Clara€™s romantic story. Think about it: a man who has seen a lot of death, who has had trouble living after €œso much of the other thing.€ He holes up in an isolated location, brooding and looking for ghosts. A woman whose emotional intelligence is through the roof (and there the similarities between her and Clara end). 19 When Clara is telling Emma that Professor Palmer€™s feelings for her are obvious, she says they €œstick out like a big chin.€ Remember "the nose and the chin"? Yeah, she€™s talking about the Doctor. She knows how much she means to him because it€™s really obvious. Every companion understands how important they are to the Doctor eventually, but this is different. Then there€™s this speech: €œEvery lonely monster needs a companion. It€™s the oldest story in the universe, this one or any other. Boy and girl fall in love, get separated by events€”war, politics, accidents in time€”he€™s thrown out of the hex or she€™s thrown into it. Since then they€™ve been yearning for each other across time and space, across dimensions! This isn€™t a ghost story, it€™s a love story!€ Talk about double-speak! And he does this all with his arm rather inappropriately wrapped around Clara€™s neck! 8 Look, I know a lot of people didn€™t like the twist of the €œlove story€ in Hide, but it fits perfectly in an episode that€™s about how €œnot everything ends, not love, not always.€ What phrase would apply better to the strange experience the Doctor€™s had with Clara and her double-deaths? Finally, the line €œThis isn€™t a ghost story, it€™s a love story€ is especially important in the context of Clara and the Doctor€™s earlier conversation about ghosts. How could Clara not be a ghost to him, if she€™s died in front of him? Because it€™s not a ghost story, it€™s a love story. Clara the person is a mystery, as are all humans to the Doctor. We live, in spite of the weight of the universe.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at