Doctor Who: Are The 11th Doctor And Clara Oswald in Love?

4. Touching And The Limits Of Friendship

31 The Eleventh Doctor€™s a touchy fellow. He kisses people at random when the mood takes him, and insists on dancing with everyone at weddings (male and female). The Doctor often holds hands with his companion while they run: it€™s practically his thing (although he€™s much more likely to do it with a woman than a man, but that€™s another article). Still, there are limits to the amount of touching one can do before it stops being platonic. Take face-stroking and neck-touching. Now, on a deathbed such a thing doesn€™t seem out of place 20 But after a while 21 They seem to be stroking one another€™s faces 22 Rather more than can simply be put down 24 to friendship. 25 And it€™s one thing to hold hands while running.. 26 But it€™s another thing to do it every.. 28 single.. 30 episode.. 27 Even when they€™re not running at all. 29 And there€™s a fine line between hugging and clutching, and that line has definitely been crossed when a hug could be mistaken for a kiss: 32 Seriously, there was a point about halfway through the season when, noticing how much these two touch each other just in casual conversation, I shouted at the television that either the actors were sleeping together or the characters were in love. It's a great drinking game: every time Clara and the Doctor touch inappropriately/unnecessarily, drink.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at