Doctor Who: BBC Centenary Special Trailer Breakdown - 11 Things You Must See

9. Kate Stewart's Larger Role

Doctor Who The Power of the Doctor

From one returning character to another (this maybe the trend of this list) Kate Stewart is once again returning to Who.

The daughter of classic Who icon Brigadier Alister Gordon Leftbridge-Stewart, in 'canon', Kate first appeared in Series 7's Power of Three, penned by Chibnall. She popped up multiple times in the Moffat era after that, but went on a hiatus, along with UNIT from 2015, until last years Flux.

Kate's return was massively over hyped in the end and realistically she served little purpose to the plot. The Flux series did detail the reason for her absence, but besides that, there wasn't much need for her in a very rushed finale. However, this time, we're hopeful for more.

Obviously, it's maybe too early to call this, but we know UNIT has a role in this story from filming, and piecing the trailer locations together, Kate could appear throughout. Kate's main moment in the trailer is her being marched as captive of a certain foe (who will be addressed later) so it'll be exciting to see how that plays out.

Our one major hope for this is that Kate is actually given something to do, giving us the badass from her original appearances.

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I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe