Doctor Who Big Finish: Complete Dalek Universe Review

1. Overall

Doctor Who The Dalek Universe
Big Finish

The Dalek Universe has been an unquestionable thrill ride which doesn't break the fast pace it starts with.

Whilst it has been done before in various ways, such as the Third Doctor's exile on Earth, removing the Doctor from the TARDIS allows for some really unique storytelling for Doctor Who. This creates the rip-roaring adventure around the Dalek Universe.

With a collection of seven writers, the scripts of this series have stayed refreshing, whilst also keeping the narrative exciting and tight to the main plot. Every individual involved in this production should take a bow as everything from the scripts, cast, direction, sound design and even cover art are sublime.

Overall this series has been a rollercoaster of drama and adventure whilst being an absolute breath of fresh air. The perfect blend of classic and new Who, culminating in a love letter to the works of Terry Nation. Tennant, Slavin and Sims are exceptional leads and this has truly become one of the best Big Finish series to date!

Rating: 10/10

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