Doctor Who Big Finish: Complete Dalek Universe Review

2. The Triumph Of Davros

Doctor Who The Dalek Universe
Big Finish

And then we have the grand finale, what ten hours of story telling has built up to. But can these last 70 minutes satisfactorily complete our trip through the Dalek Universe?


The cliffhanger from the last story is both equally shocking, but also then seems so obvious when you think about, which makes it perfect. This finale sees the Tenth Doctor amidst the continuing Dalek and Movellan war, fitting perfectly between TV stories Destiny and Resurrection of the Daleks.

This story carries a lot of weight for the Doctor in general, and for it to be tackled by the Tenth Doctor seems all the more powerful given his incarnation's past. The Doctor has recently faced Davros in his own time, lived through the Time War and lost plenty of friends, issues he could easily alter now being stuck in his own past.

Reviewing thrilling stories like this is sometimes quite a task, without spoiling the story for the reader, but the action and scale of this series has never been higher. The stakes for this finale are high, pays off plot points developed over the last two series and it certainly delivers a classic show down between the Doctor and Davros in a classic Terry Nation location.

This story, along with the rest of Dalek Universe really has been a triumph.

Rating: 10/10

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