Doctor Who: Eve Of The Daleks Review - 9 Ups & 4 Downs

10. UP - Daleks Done Right

Doctor Who Eve of the Daleks
BBC Studios

Man, Chibs is good at reoccurring villains, isn’t he? A lot of the time, Moffat really didn’t know what to do with the Doctor’s most formidable foe, and seemingly only used them due to the show’s rumoured contractual obligation with the Terry Nation Estate.

Chibnall, however, is three-for-three on finding original ways of using these guys. They’re sporting their classic NuWho design, augmented with a snazzy new gatling gun style extermination beam, and most importantly, they’ve got back something they’ve been missing for far too long: sass.

Make no mistake, these hateful creatures locked up inside terror tanks are, under their angry demeanour, bitchy little divas that will never pass up an opportunity for a snarky comment or clap-back. The Daleks in this episode weren’t written too seriously, and instead leaned into the campy style we saw with the Cult of Skaro - they felt straight out of the RTD era, and let’s be honest, Russell wrote them a hell of a lot better than the Moff ever did.

This is the best outing these lads have had in about a decade.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.