Doctor Who: Every 11th Doctor Episode Ranked Worse To Best

19. A Christmas Carol

Doctor Who Matt Smith
BBC Studios

Considering this is the sixth Christmas episode of Nu-Who, it is incredible that the idea of exploring Christmas past, present and future from Dickens' most famous novel was never explored.

While this episode plays with the very familiar story it never feels like it rips it off, if anything it adds to it. Whereas Scrooge in the original novel was a rather two-dimensional character throughout until the end, Kazran Sardick is more complex. Michael Gambon manages to delve into a more complex and tortured individual who had his heart broken so many Christmases ago and has remained bitter ever since.

It says something about this episode that the Doctor takes a back seat and instead we focus on why this man became the way he did and how he changes throughout. All the performances are great, despite Amy and Rory feeling like nothing more than an extended cameo, and the story is simple yet moving.

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An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).