Doctor Who: Every 11th Doctor Episode Ranked Worse To Best
18. The Wedding Of River Song
Steven Moffat must have been on something strong when writing this barmy season six finale. Charles Dickens appears on BBC Breakfast, Winston Churchill is the leader of Ancient Rome and pterodactyls are terrorising London. And that's just the pre-credits.
However, this madness is explained as the result of time not progressing due to River Song sparing the Doctor’s life. As a single episode this would prove rather unsatisfying but as the conclusion to a rather drawn out story arc over the whole season, the result of all questions finally being answered is extremely satisfying.
While the tone is rather inconsistent, one minute being a comedy and the next being a tearjerker, as a whole it is an extremely experimental and brave episode. And the final revelation to how the Doctor survived on the beach is satisfying, if a little obvious when thinking about it.